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Lending Policy

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Lending Policy

Lending period

Books, CD's, Magazines: 3 weeks, 4 items each per patron

DVD/VHS video's: 1 week, 3 videos per patron

Inter-Library Loan: 3 weeks, 6 items per family

Overdue Charges

$.05/day material is late.

Lost Library Material

After 30 days overdue the library material is assumed to be lost and the patron must either pay replacement costs or replace the item. Interlibrary loan material that is lost or overdue will be paid for by the patron at whatever cost the lending library charges.

Damaged Material

For library material damaged beyond repair the borrower must either pay the replacement costs or he/she must replace the item.

Borrowing Restrictions

Patrons will not be allowed to check out any material as long as he/she has overdue items more than 30 days overdue. *SEE LOST MATERIALS. Even though we are not charging for overdues there is a due date for each item and we ask that items be returned by this date or call the library to have renewed.


Renewals can be done by telephone (822-5427) or in person.

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Library Hours: Sunday-closed, Monday-closed, Tuesday-1pm-6pm, Wednesday-1pm-4pm, Thursday-1pm-4pm, Friday-1pm-6pm, Saturday-1pm-6pm
Library will be closed any day it is -30F at noon according to KCAM.
Copper Valley Community Library
(907) 822-5427
Mile 186 Glenn Highway - PO Box 173 - Glennallen, AK 99588

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